Are mealtimes a war zone at your home?
If yes, then you are not alone.
All parents want their child to be as healthy as they can be. However, many parents consider that encouraging nutritious food for children is a nightmare.
If your children are troubling you during mealtime, then let Nalanda International School, a reputed school in Baroda help you with it. They have prepared a list of approaches that you can try out as a parent to make your child teach healthy eating habits:
Never dictate food
Rather than being a food monarch, be a food liberal and keep a wide variety of healthy food items and ingredients in your house. This small tactic will be beneficial for your children to learn about healthy food choices. Keep all the unhealthy items like chips, soda, etc. on the help of the grocery store. Most importantly serve water with meals.
Encourage your children to eat slowly
Inculcate a habit of slow eating in your children as they can fulfil their hunger better with it. One thing you can try is that before offering a second serving, ask your child to be patient to know that if he/she is still hungry. Such a small interval of time will give the brain a time to register fullness. Always remember that second servings are small so try to incorporate veggies into it.
Mealtime = family time
Mealtime is the only time when all members of the family can meet. Try to make it pleasant by conversing and sharing things. By making it unpleasant, you are breaking the rule two as children will eat faster to leave the table as soon as possible. Always keep the mealtime happy and stress-free.
Allow children to be a part of food preparing process
By incorporating children in food activities, you will get better insights into your children’s food preferences.
Take your children to the grocery store and give them an opportunity to learn about nutrition, weights, and other essential food symbols like expiry date, food certification, etc. This activity will provide them with a feeling of accomplishment.
Moreover, also allow your children to help you in the kitchen with small things that will make them eat food as they are the part of preparation.
Plan for snacks
Overeating is terrible so does continuous snacking. Snacks that are planned at a specific time throughout the day can be a nutritious step as it won’t spoil the child’s appetite at mealtime. As a parent, you should prepare snacks that are nutritious and tasty to keep your children away from junk snacks. Keep such homemade snacks within reach of your children.
Set some family goals
Restricting ice cream and sodas during weekdays is a good habit to teach your children. Also, ensure that your children are achieving daily goals like drinking water every hour to encourage hydration.
Avoid television while eating
Always try to eat your meals in designated areas like the dining room or kitchen. Avoid living room as when children eat in front of the TV, and they may lose the sense of fullness which leads to overeating.
Avoid caffeinated or sweetened drinks
Encourage children to drink plenty of water rather than sweetened drinks and sodas during meal time as such things are the leading cause of obesity. Moreover, drinking caffeinated beverages during meals can disturb the sleep cycle of the children which can lead to change in routine.
Don’t use food as a punishment or as a reward
Considering food as an item of punishment or reward is a bad idea. When you withhold food as a punishment may direct your children to worry that they will not get enough food. As a result, children may eat more whenever they get a chance.
Also, by luring children to eat sweets after completing the vegetables sends a wrong message among children as they will perceive vegetables as a bad item. Rather than using food as an excuse for punishment or reward, cultivate the habit of the importance of food in your children.
Ensure that the meals are balanced
Always prepare a balanced diet even if your children are eating at school. Pack their tiffins with a variety of food items that cover all the nutritious elements. Moreover, select healthier food items while dining at restaurants.
Pay attention to portion size and ingredients
Always read food labels and limit the serving of foods with trans fat as it may lead to obesity. Also, ensure that you serve the appropriate portion as indicated on the label to keep the nutrients balanced.
Moreover, here is the list of food items that should avoid giving it to your children:
. Apple juice
. Soda
. Breakfast cereals
. Packaged lunches
. Granola bars
. Sports drinks
. Frozen food items
. Dipping sauces, etc.
Try out these tactics and see the change in your child’s food habits.
Nalanda International School is a well-known school in Baroda which encourages the children to follow the healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious food and by doing exercises. They also organise guest lectures to motivate children to teach healthy habits.