Monday, May 6, 2019

How a Child’s Mind Can Develop With Art

There is no doubt that technical skills, like science and math, are an integral part of the education system and need to be understood by students to succeed in life.

Along with that, it is crucial that every student is introduced to the creative side of this life.

Many schools in Baroda would agree that a balance between academics and art is essential for a child’s development.

Creativity will enhance their ability to apply the technical knowledge that they’ve learned in school into the real world. Individually, they will be able to express their emotions better, leading to overall development.

An interested child’s mind works faster and is more responsive than a child who is not as into the same activity.

How does the academic life improve with creativity?
  • They become 3 times more likely to win an award for having full attendance.
  • They are 4 times more likely to be nominated for an award that honours their dedication towards studies.
  • More interested in attending an education-related fair or competition.
  • Be involved in community service and gain a better understanding of compassion.
If this doesn’t count as overall growth, what does?

Encouraging children to explore fields that go beyond the classroom or the education system, say performing arts for students, will prove to be beneficial in the future, with relation to their personal, private, and professional life.

What can you do to bring out the creative side in your child?
  • Let’s say you’re travelling in your car or just lazing around at home on a Sunday, put on music that you or your children would usually just skip through. Dipping your toes into an unknown territory that is offbeat will not only provide your child with a sense of clarity but also develop their taste.
  • Most schools encourage their students to take part in extracurricular activities. This is because they understand that a little distraction from the regular classes will boost their thinking abilities. Letting your child participate in inter-school activities can bring about a change their confidence levels and social skills.
  • Chances are you have an extra room (no matter how small) that you use to store things you don’t need. Change it up and make a nice, open, and simplistic art studio for your child. It could become their own space where they could freely express themselves through music, dance, or drawing. A specific corner may also be allocated that only your child is allowed to use.
Even though being involved in various activities can add value and dimension in your child’s life, there is no need to push them into doing something they don’t want. Creativity should be induced out of good spirit, not forcefulness.

How does a child’s mind improve with creativity?
  • The stress levels caused by the pressure to perform well in every aspect of their life can be reduced by diverting their minds to activities they are interested in.
  • They’ll be able to set goals for themselves, improving their decision-making skills and their ability to follow through tasks.
  • Their minds start to churn in attempts to come up with ideas that are innovative and refreshing.
With all the advantages of creativity, it would be cruel to let your children stay away from it. Holistic development is the development that will count in their future and will help them with their greatest endeavours.

If you’ve been thinking, “Oh! Is there a nice ICSE school near me?“

Well, you don’t have to search anymore.

At Nalanda International School, Baroda, we encourage children to develop and maintain good values, ethics, punctuality and provide the means for holistic development. Since we have a strict ‘no tuition’ policy our students are left with a lot of time on hand that can be utilized for various activities.

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